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Tuesday 13 April 2010

iPod chromatic vs touch.

chromatic comes in a range of vibrant attractive colours, my favourite being yellow :).
it has plenty of decent features, one of which enables you to turn it to the side, switching the screens angle and bring up cover flow and shaking it to shuffle songs (or to play games). it is a great size, not being too small that you will loose it, or being too big that you cannot simply put t in a pocket or anything similar.

touch has similar features + more. you can buy 'apps' (applications) to use on it. these include games, utilities and ridiculous little gimics and things. it also enables you to tilt the screen as the chromatic does. but it is a fair bit larger than the chromatic, making it harder to put in places. also it is all touch, and if it were to freeze, or the touch screen is faulty, there are no buttons to back it up.

what's best??? :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted a iPod touch, I even tried saving up for one once, but that didnt wi=ork I am USELESS at saving money :P but I currently have a chromatic.,.. but whats this all about the new iPad??? thats going to be a bit of competition for the Itouch and certainly knocking off chromatic`s (they will be ancient soon)


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